

There are three types of grants that Skidmore retirees may be eligible for - Emeritus Faculty Development 奖助金 through the Dean of Faculty/Vice President of Academic Affairs; 退休人员发展补助金s; and 退休人员特别补助金s.

转到退休人员发展补助金  /   跳到退休人员特设补助金


Emeritus faculty development grants are designed to help retired faculty begin new projects, to help faculty enhance existing professional work, or for seed money to 申请外部资助. 申请人必须符合退休资格 根据人力资源标准.

  • 约翰Anzalone (世界语言文学) Representation of the Colonial Other in Selected WWI Graphics
  • 凯特·莱维特 (Art)文物
  • 琳达西蒙 (中文)Viviana Turun Buluw-Hube
  • 戈登•汤普森 (音乐) 60年代英国流行音乐,Outside In. 第一卷:1956-1965年的市中心
  • 约翰Anzalone (世界语言文学) Fashion Plates: The 法国 Fashion Illustrators of the Great War
  • 彭妮快活 (艺术史)在文艺复兴时期的宫殿里长大
  • 普拉Baytelman (音乐)CD -探索我的犹太根源
  • 戈登•汤普森 (音乐)2019年民族音乐学学会年会
  • 玛丽·斯坦格 (宗教)阿尔忒弥斯,女子狩猎 & 对可持续发展的追求
  • 苏珊·克雷斯 (英文)诗集手稿
  • 乔安妮·迪瓦恩 (英语)出席国际会议
  • 丽莎•阿伦森 (Art History) "J.A. Green's Portraiture and the Blurring of Boundaries between Photography 和雕塑”
  • 丽莎•阿伦森 (Art History), "Visualizing and Reinventing Ijo Histories through Painted Reproductions J的.A.绿色的照片
  • 瑞吉斯布罗迪 (艺术),展览:Schact画廊和Laffer画廊
  • 瑞吉斯布罗迪 (Art) Exhibitions: The Lake George Arts Project and The Saratoga Arts Center
  • 马克  (World Languages), Research and Writing Project on Historical Botany in the 法国 文艺复兴,特别是火博体育农业嫁接
  • 戈夫讲粗话 (数学):13th 有限域国际会议
  • 乔安妮·迪瓦恩 (英语) "The Use of Media by the Save the Children Fund 1919-Present"
  • 玛丽·斯坦格 (Religion) Attendance at Annual General Assembly of the International Council on 野生动物保护
  • 琳达西蒙 (英语) "Lost Girls: The Origin and Development of the Flapper"
  • 丽莎•阿伦森 (艺术历史),“J.A. 绿皮书计划:最后第三阶段”
  • 瑞吉斯布罗迪 (Art) "A One-Person Exhibition: 'Art Educator as Artist – The Symbiotic 连接ion: 《火博体育》
  • 泰伦斯相当多 (英语) "Conference Presentation on Kerouac's Big Sur"
  • Margo犯罪 (Art) "Shadow Joint"
  • 罗伯特Foulke (英语) "Aging in Place v. 搬到退休社区”
  • 杰弗里·埃尔金 (Art) for preparation and framing for a solo art exhibition.
  • 琳达西蒙 (英语) for scholarship contributing to various publications, including the SAGE Encyclopedia of Aging, Girl Talk, and a volume on the Jazz age.
  • 斯图亚特·威特 (政府)数码化,更新网页
  • 苏珊·本德 (人类学)2014南方公园田野季
  • 威廉•布朗 (Biology) "Lifetime Reproduction in the Timber Rattlesnake"
  • 瑞吉斯布罗迪 (Art) Preparing work for a major exhibition at the Opalka Gallery, Sage 大学 of 奥尔巴尼校区“瑞吉斯布罗迪:一项调查”
  • 苏珊·本德 (Anthropology) "Stewardship of Archaeological 资源 in South Park, Colorado"
  • 查尔斯约瑟夫 (音乐) "A Preliminary Study of Archival Materials in the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, 林肯中心”



工作人员 retiree development grants are designed to support projects that promote continuing education, benefit the 大学 or retiree's local community, and/or model creative 退休后的生活方式. 成功的申请者应分享信息 about their projects with fellow retirees in on-campus presentations and/or on-line 报告.

  • Brien穆勒 (IT), for online tutoring in 荷兰 pronunciation and conversation
  • 史蒂夫Otrembiak、(资讯科技-媒体服务)、社区花园
  • 斯坦利McGaughey (Computer Services), Equipment for Screening Videos at 咖啡莉娜
  • 克里斯汀Kaczmarek (Business Services) Practitioner Diploma and Professional certification in Integral 音叉的声音愈合
  • 姜Ertz (唐氏教学博物馆) 支持ing The MoonCatcher Project's MoonBees
  • 斯坦利McGaughey (电脑服务)莉娜咖啡馆的午餐聆听时间
  • 克莱尔Demarest (Development /校友 Affairs) Studying German at the Goethe Institute in Germany
  • 沙龙Arpey (Special Programs) Master Gardener 志愿者 Training Program of the Cornell University 合作推广
    • 安·亨德森 (注册商) Enhancing 社区 资源 at Hennig Preserve (for Saratoga PLAN)
    • 贝蒂奥康纳 (IT) "Laptops for Literacy 志愿者"
  • 斯坦利McGaughey receives a grant to fund a"Little Folks" concert at 咖啡莉娜
  • With Skidmore's support 咖啡莉娜 was able to bring a truly unique, free offering 19名儿童和38名成人.点击这里阅读更多.
  • 乔恩·拉姆齐将出版一本火博体育商业写作的书
    Former Dean of Studies Jon Ramsey has been modeling active retirement on the west coast, where his teaching at the University of California at Santa Barbara has inspired 他打算编写一本创新的商务写作教材.  他写这本书的工作是 partly supported by a Skidmore 工作人员 Retiree Development Grant. Jon在这里描述了他的工作.

有史以来第一次!) round of retiree staff development grants has been completed and 奖项颁发给:

  • Judith Atchinson (舞蹈)来支持由 追求为纽约州斯克内克塔迪的低收入家庭的孩子提供帮助.
  • 狮子座Geoffrion (IT) to upgrade network and security systems for a non-profit organization, Technology for the Public Good (T4PG) that provides free software assistance to local charities.




In addition to 退休faculty and 退休人员发展补助金s, limited funds are available to support projects by 火博体育大学 retirees on an ad hoc basis.  Like the Development 奖助金, ad hoc awards are intended to promote ongoing professional engagement, advance continuing education, encourage involvement with the 大学 or the retiree's local community, and/or model other creative 退休后的生活方式.  Unlike the Development 奖助金, however, ad hoc awards may be applied for and approved 在任何时候.  A retiree seeking funding for a project should consider, first, whether the needs might be met through an 退休faculty or 退休人员发展补助金.

Requests for ad hoc funds may be made directly via email to RIPG@shyayazuche.com,或 referred to RIPG from the offices of the 学院院长 or 人力资源.  没有固定的申请表格.  要求信应:

  1. 简要描述项目的性质;
  2. 明确需要资金的时间段;
  3. outline expenses; and
  4. explain the value of the project to the relevant trade or profession, to the 大学 or retiree's local community, or to the community of retirees.

Reviewers appointed by RIPG recommend appropriate response to the request, which is 最终由RIPG决定.  奖学金获得者必须提交一份最终报告给 资金支出后的RIPG.

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