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Skidmore College
Student Government Association Student Government Association


Senate on SkidSync

As the primary legislative body in the Student Government Association, the Student Senate creates and recommends policies that relate to student life on campus, charters new clubs and organizations, authorizes the allocation of the Student Activity fee to clubs and other various student-run organizations and appoints students to committees run by faculty and administrators. Senate meets every Tuesday from 8 to 10 p.m. in Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, Second Floor (subject to change). Please feel free to drop by!

Chair and SGA President: Nathaniel Lowell

Secretary: Abby Brew

Parliamentarian and SGA Executive Vice President: Emilka Jansen



VP for academic affairs Tess Malloy Senior president Vicky Grijalva
VP for financial affairs Josh Maxwell Senior senator Nicole Oletu
VP for student life Milo Flamenbaum Senior senator Vacant
VP for club affairs Carissa Pienkowski Senior senator Vacant
VP for inclusion and outreach Apple Alvarez Senior senator Vacant
Northwoods senator Vacant Junior president Lucas Falick
Northwoods senator Vacant Junior senator Vacant
Sussman senator Vacant Junior senator Vacant
Sussman senator Vacant Junior senator Vacant
Off-campus senator Vacant Junior senator Vacant
Off-campus senator Vacant Sophomore president Madison Situ
Jonsson tower senator Leo Thomson Sophomore senator Jazlin Chen
Jonsson tower senator Vacant Sophomore senator Kamran Haq
Wait senator Ellis Hemmerdinger Sophomore senator Lila Glanville
Howe-Rounds senator Jonathan Lipman Sophomore senator David Aybar
Kimball senator Vacant First-year president Samantha Majiedt
McClellan senator Cameron Whitney First-year senator Bradley Kadets
Penfield senator Brae Tebo First-year senator Ryan Lobner
Wiecking senator Vacant First-year senator Emma Ferrigno
Wilmarth senator Katherine Sterling First-year senator Maya Kates

See an empty spot you want to fill? Take a look at joining!

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