
Homerathon 2015活动及事件


Date: Friday, April 15, 2016

The 经部门 of 火博体育大学 will attend a one-day undergraduate research conference concerning the various aspects of Classical Studies, including: 希腊, Latin, Ancient History and Archaeology. 火博体育大学 students and 教师 will be joined by Union College and Hamilton College, as a few students from each institution will present their papers followed by discussions. A new aspect of this year’s conference will be the addition of Poster Papers, while a select few students will present their papers to the entire conference, other students will have the opportunity to present their work on posters to their fellow peers and 教师. 

David Porter Classical 世界 Lecture

Date: Thursday, March 24, 2016

The David Porter Classical 世界 Lecture is one of the 经部门’s most anticipated 事件s, and is part of the department’s gateway course, CC200: Classical 世界. 

火博体育大学 welcomes Barry Strauss, Professor of 经典, Professor and Chair of the History Department, and the Bryce and Edith M. Bowmar Professor in Humanistic Studies at Cornell University to discuss his book, 恺撒之死 为了今年的讲座.Strauss breathes new life into one of history’s most famous assassinations, by delving into the dramatic cast of characters, especially the assassins themselves, within the historical context of Rome’s Civil Wars. 通过考试 of the Ides of March, Strauss will lead the audience out of the Roman Republic and 进入了帝国时代.

Homerathon 2016

Location: Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, 2nd floor: pizza, cookies and Homer!

Homerathon! (a marathon reading of the 希腊 poet, Homer) is one of the 经部门’s most anticipated yearly 事件s, a time for students, 教师, staff, and other friends to gather in celebration of our earliest Western poet.  再加上我们的经典 世界 course (CC 200), the Homerathon! reminds us that the ancient art of storytelling 活得很好.

经部门 Honor Society Induction

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Location: Murray Dining Hall, Conference Room 

The Department inducts students into the national honor society in classics, Eta Sigma φ.

Veterans’ Voices: Ajax in America
A staged reading of Sophocles’ Ajax

Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015
Location: Gannett Auditorium
A town-hall style meeting and reception in the Class of 1967 Lobby will follow

Veterans’ Voices is a local group of armed forces vets interested in how ancient literature can elucidate the trauma of warfare. On November 12, the group will perform excerpts from Sophocles’ quintessential war tragedy, Ajax.

The play tells the story of the dishonored soldier, Ajax, cheated of his due in the Trojan War and humiliated before his wife and fellow soldiers. 他的自杀仍然存在 one of the most shocking acts ever dramatized on the 希腊 stage, and one that resonates with an equally shocking statistic: each day, on average, 22 American veterans choose 结束他们的生命.

The members of Veterans’ Voices hope to engage the audience in a broad conversation about the human cost of war from antiquity to modernity, and to raise awareness of the challenges our veterans face when they return home from war—as well as the challenges faced by their families, caregivers, and communities. Please join us for this extraordinary 事件.


Click here to view the 事件 on Livestream

经典 students and 教师 gather for food and conversation in the test kitchen of the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall once a month for a classics dinnertime symposium. Meal tickets provided if requested.

Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015