

古典文学系以我们的校友和校友为荣,我们也有兴趣 know what you are doing, and whatever role classics has played in your life. 保持 联系! 填写更新表单或发送电子邮件 教授. 丹·科里 通过更新.

经典 Alums Address "Creative Thought Works"


Take advantage of the opportunity Skidmore gives you to do a double major. 当我的 我的工作很大程度上依赖于我在经济学方面的学习,我所修的经典课程可能是 more useful in terms of improving my analytical skills. Learn 希腊; it'll be impossible 但纪律和严格要求迫使我成为一个更好的学生. Plan ahead but be willing to throw those plans aside. 我不知道我想要什么 跟我在火博体育的生活有什么关系. 我知道我想学经济学,但是, 坦率地说,我相信我的经典经历激发了我学习的欲望 more than intro to macro economics possibly could (getting to read Homer's 《火博体育》 是史诗!).

Susie Warden '09
尤其是在经济大衰退之后,人们(不包括我自己)一直嘲笑 我选择的大学学位是古典文学. 法里德·扎卡里亚,《 为博雅教育辩护,是客人上的 每日秀 提醒着我,我曾经和现在是多么自豪能以这个学位毕业. 当然,从表面上看,我似乎什么也没做,但事实并非如此 完全正确. In school I learned that passion and critical thinking are the most important 我做任何事都必须具备的品质. And my curiosity allows me to have a much greater range of interests, and therefore many more opportunities for success. 我现在正在做 我热爱的生活,我真的认为我的文科教育,包括我的 high school days, is one of the main reasons for that. 我感激我的激情 and my curiosity, as well as my seemingly random ability to read 希腊.

Jeffrey Bussmann '03

人们总是觉得我从火博体育商学院毕业有点奇怪 辅修古典文学. I couldn't be happier with my decision to graduate on both ends 光谱的. I feel as though it has made we well-rounded and enabled me to think outside the e非常day routine of the business world. 人们似乎总是印象深刻 考虑到我同时学习了罗马历史和成本会计的背景 time. One of the main things I learned from my experience at Skidmore is that you do not have to be locked down to one area such as business or 英语. 你可以扩大范围 开拓视野,以一开始你认为不可能的方式获得经验 你的大学生涯.

在过去七年的教育生涯中,我对 火博体育学院的古典文学系. While we were not the largest of departments, we definitely boasted the best student/faculty ratios and relationships. 我的一些 大学最美好的回忆发生在我在系里的时候,我渴望 as an educator to instill these same types of memories within my own students. 的 高期望,学术严谨的课程,以及密集的写作和批判 思考能力可以让任何人为毕业后选择的任何工作做好准备 why the Skidmore classics alumni have such diverse careers! 徒步前往哈德大厅 去见我的导师,9a.m. 希腊 I with Mechem on Fridays (always fun to see 谁做的),在荣誉论坛休息室的沙发上小睡,一对一的研讨会 教授. Weismann, hearing Arnush rock the Grateful Dead in his office and the great 《火博体育·奥德赛》只是我每天随身携带的一些美好回忆.

回答这个问题:如果不是因为火博体育大学的古典文学课程,老实说,我 do not know what my post-Skidmore years would have been like. 批判性思维, 严谨、对学术的奉献和高期望有助于建立一种职业道德 直到今天,我还带在心里.

我学到的所有教训都在于分析性、批判性思维和口齿伶俐、积极主动 writing in the classics curriculum, I now employ in my teaching and classroom. To 我尽我最大的能力,试图传达这些有效写作的经验教训 以及对我的学生的一门学科的热情,我吸收并融入了我的生活 from the attentive direction of the classics instructors. 此外,我试图使 my students see that literature, philosophy, war tactics, etc. 过去的一切都还活着 在今天的社会中也是如此.

作为一名博士.D. student, I have to say that studying classics at Skidmore was an extremely 对我来说很重要的经历. Studying ancient 希腊 writing, 特别是, has helped 在学习其他语言时,我学了很多东西,因为我现在正在努力学习荷兰语! 如果没有这些知识、实践和努力,我将永远无法进入大学 异国他乡(用外语!). Also, being a classics major at Skidmore meant working hard because of the focus of the professors on the students. 类是 从来没有超过几个学生,我真的很喜欢这种一对一的方式 我得到的指导. Not only did I learn more, but I learned how to be a better student. And that, I think, is more important than anything else.

火博体育大学古典文学系的学习帮助我走出了大学的第一步 的大学. I entered into the graduate program in history at the University of Chicago, 我运用了我在希腊罗马历史和语言方面的本科训练 广泛. I'd count those classes among my fondest memories of Skidmore. 自 然后,在我的阅读中,我仍然对古典世界保持着浓厚的兴趣, 爱好和旅行. I think it says something that, when touring the British Museum 最近,我第一次从5-8年前的课程中获得了事实和印象 sprang to mind as if I've learned them yesterday. 我认为经典的训练 提供了一个框架来观察我们的社会和理解它的许多 根基与核心价值. 这也很有趣.

经典 definitely fed my love for reading and learning. 它给了我一个坚实的基础 为了理解现代作品,这对我现在的工作很有帮助:做决定 what books to carry for a mostly academic bookstore. 我仍然阅读有关古典文学的书籍 即使我不再上学了. In fact I wrote and posted a recommendation for a book on Cicero, and tons of people bought it!

我昨天对这个问题思考了很久,意识到我的研究 in the field of classics have enhanced my ability to tackle complex issues. 因为 古典文学是一个真正的跨学科领域,涵盖了文化,历史, 语言、文学、政治、社会经济、宗教和科学方面 它塑造了我在Teach for工作中面对问题的方法 America, specifically the issue of educational inequity. 教育本身就是一个综合体 我们社会中相互关联的各个方面的网络,我相信学习古典文学对我们有帮助 me in viewing those facets through both holistic and analytical lenses. 我更好了 能够识别和解决多维范围的原因和影响 lead to educational inequity thanks to my work in classics. 感谢您的提供 challenging academic opportunities to me and to all Skidmore classics students.

我能想到的第一件事是,说实话,我认为成为一个经典 major definitely got me into my masters program and my first job. 好吧,也许不是 真正的工作,但绝对是面试. 大多数人都没有遇到过经典作品 major in their resume piles and I think it piqued a lot of curiosity. 更重要的是, i think it also showed a well-rounded, interdisciplinary education and a level of 别人可能没有的学识.

Well, obviously lots as I've been teaching Latin for 11 years! 我现在希望我 had taken e非常 classics course available at Skidmore...)

For me, college was always about a liberal arts education. 我在工作中所做的一切 I learned on the job, it's not rocket science. 但是学习如何思考却有很大的意义 increased my aptitude for approaching problems, finding creative solutions and 特别是 人员管理. I teach my subordinates in the Socratic method all of the time, 我认为自己是我的团队中的哲学家之王,好像我有一个更大的 作为领导者的责任.

It gave me a great foundation for the rest of my studies in history. 拉丁帮助 与写作. A classics background also helped me to understand the Victorian-aged 我在博物馆世界里解释的人,因为这是一种教育 收到了.

对经典的研究一直支持着我对生活和工作的承诺 以我的价值观,总是尝试从多个角度看问题,并做出选择 以我的心为向导. One of the greatest gifts of studying classics seems to be this love I continue to feel for the complexity and beauty of language. 海尔格斗 哈利·高(艺术史教授)总是鼓励我们整体参与 人类生活的各个领域. In my work in the holistic realm of healthcare 在康复方面,本着同样的精神工作,支持人们 think outside the lines, to innovate, to feel, to trust their inner knowing.

B.A. double major in classical studies and studio art. 1986 M.A. 师范学院/哥伦比亚 中等教育大学. 历史. 2000年纽约新神学院毕业生祝圣 跨宗教牧师,整体实践者(希腊语和拉丁语帮助我学习了所有的 common names and homeopathic remedies; thank you Dr. 斗). 我的工作和学习 博士. 刘易斯(英语)博士. 多布林(经典)博士. 迪戈里,迈克尔·摩尔 (经典),博士. 高夫(艺术史)和博士. 布林森(历史)从未远离 我的思想或我的心. I thank them for giving us the interdisciplinary soul that runs throughout classical studies and life. 我嫁给了约书亚·萨克斯,他也是 '83—who took and valued the many classics courses he took at Skidmore. 我们生活在 他们有三个孩子:16岁的詹姆斯,13岁的哈莉和11岁的哈莉 将.

经典是 非常 1982年的小部门,我的专业课程实际上来自几个不同的 区域. So many professors were involved and interested, and willing to spend extra 我花了大量的时间和精力创建和领导独立学习课程 五项独立研究!) Very active in the department were professors from other 区域: Terence Diggory, Bill Brynteson, Tom Lewis, to name just a few. 迈克尔·摩尔 我刚到那儿,但他对荷马赞美诗的热爱,以及他那美妙的 voice and meter, were always a pleasure to listen to and learn from. (比尔Brynteson 会被那些晃来晃去的分词吓到,但多亏了他,我的写作是 完全没有被动语态!) From each of these wonderful professors, I 对西方思想文化的发展有了一定的了解,这对我很有帮助 well in whatever intellectual endeavor I choose to explore. 我希望传统 继续并扩展 ....